
Ramalam's quest across Second Life

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

#Over the hills and far away...

...he swears he will return one day#. Nightwish 'Over the Hills and Far away'

Profaniti laughed at Ramalam.
"Stop dancing like that, you look like an idiot," she said.
Ramalam stopped dancing.
"Now that you are at the Mainland, what is your path from here?" She asked as Ramalam sank his head to his chest. Ramalam's eyes, dark as night suddenly glimmered with a distant star's warmth.
"From here I intend to walk as straight as I can across the mainland, then when I reach the coast, head south west as far as I can on foot," He explained consulting the SecondLife Map.
"From the edge of the Mainland I will have to start island hopping again until I can reach The Future."
Profaniti nodded sagely.
"What will you do if you find another method of travel?" She asked.
"Should the opportunity arise I might take it," Ramalam replied scratching his pearl-coloured chin.
"So, which way do we go from here?" Profaniti asked.
"Let us climb to the top of the next hill and see what we can find!" Ramalam said, grabbing Profaniti by the hand and running for the hill.

Beyond the hill stood the land of Dathomir, dark, withered trees grew over the marshy landscape. Huge starships lay plunged into the landscape and a dark temple, broodying in it's malevolence lay through the forest.

Profaniti drew two weapons from her back-pack, both were dark and made a satisfying 'chick-chack' when loaded. Shotguns.

The pair snuck through the forest, careful not to alert anyone to their prescence and entered the dark temple. Inside were places for a sisterhood to sit and speak with one another but there were no signs of life. Counting themselves lucky Profaniti and Ramalam leapt over the fence into the neighbours place.

This was much brighter and Profaniti sat down next to the neighbours of the Sisterhood of Dathomir and asked them how things were living next to them. Apparently they were the best neighbours one could ask for.

Before Ramalam could progress he bid farewell to Profaniti, who was recalled to The Future for work. He hoped to see her again soon.

Over the next hill Ram found himself at the base of The Tallest Tower in Second Life. Unable to pass such an opportunity up he climbed to the top. Ramalam gaved down on all of Second Life and was content for a while. The fierce wind blowing in his bright red hair, the clouds echoing his pale face. He was soothed by it all. But he knew his quest was not over.

Close to the Tallest Tower stood a stone ring, upright with strange symbols upon it. A nearby information desk explained that this was a 'Stargate'. The StarGate network was a range of portals that could transport people instantly from one place to another.

"Such a wonder could help me in my quest," thought Ramalam, "But how would I know which gate to walk out of?"
Deciding he wished to know more, Ram set the portal for Stargate Command.

The disc whirled into life, stones shifting around the grey rim. Finally there was a burst of light and cosmic ether as the portal opened. A thin film of blue ether stood in the centre of the circle and Ramalam stepped through into the light.

The Mainland

The Coast of Mul and the vast land mass that is the mainland island between myself and The Future (my first destination) was hard to reach from the island of opportunity, I had to swim a great distance, without any aid from the nearby islands.

Eventually I surfaced at the coast

The Coast of Mul

I climbed the hill a short way and found a meditation garden where I took my rest from this hard part of my journey. I wanted to collect my thoughts before I began the long trek across the mainland.

Meditation garden

The Agents of the Future were clearly interested in my journey, for they sent Profaniti to aid me in the first steps of my land trek.


Together we sat and talked, then climbed to the summit where we celebrated my arrival on the mainland with some drinking and dancing.

Dancing fool

There would be much, much more to see on the Mainland and I couldn't wait to continue.